Tuesday, March 03, 2009

One year, Cornish still missing

Feb. 22 marked one year since Dennis Cornish went missing, when he was last seen purchasing fuel for his light brown/tan 1995 GMC pick-up truck at Race Trac gas at the 108.

Cornish lived in the 108 Mile area for two years before planning to return to his home-province of Alberta in the beginning of 2008.

Despite pleas from family and friends, there is still little known about what happened to Cornish.

His parents, Janette and Dennis, made the trip from Calgary to 100 Mile House back in June, handing out flyers, checking in with the RCMP and speaking with the Free Press.

Since his disappearance, 629 members have joined the Facebook group, showing high interest in the case.

Cpl. Lorne Wood is heading the Cornish case, which he says is progressing. He reminds those with information to contact the North District RCMP Major Crimes Unit or Crime Stoppers.

In response to this somber anniversary, his parents released the following statement last week:

It is now a year since our son, Dennis went missing. We know he is no longer with us. That is the focus of the RCMP investigation. Our family does not know how and why he died. The most important thing for us is finding his body. Not a day goes by that we don’t think of him. We can’t find peace and move on until we have his remains and give him a proper burial.

We are open to all suggestions as to where Dennis might be. If you have any leads contact our family friend Ken at kenmont@telusplanet.net or the RCMP.


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