Saturday, October 14, 2006


For many, the internet, or television shows are a pit of quicksand, trapping them on a daily path to accomplishment. For others, the welcoming call of sleep is too inviting to ignore, and exhaustion overwhelms them as they try to finish pressing duties. I suffer from another form of ‘procrastinism’, one that is destined to rob me of the satisfaction that is only felt after successfully completing a task.
‘Multi-tasking’ is a term that everyone is familiar with. It refers to the act of working on numerous things at one time, and moving towards a positive outcome with each of them. But what if you were working on various projects, and spreading yourself so thin that nothing was getting accomplished? That is where the term ‘multi-slacking’ comes in; the act of taking on so many projects at once that the first is only ever initiated before moving on to the next, with completion never being achieved. Sadly, this is my affliction. (Please note: This is not to be confused with ‘multi-basking’, concerning the lounging around of the home in various positions, or ‘multi-flasking’, which involves drinking.)
I have the best intentions of seeing each project that I begin through, but so many other things come up that it is hard to focus on just one. Why do dishes, when you can cook? Why cook when you can read? Why read, when you can write? As a result, my home is full of unwashed dishes, half-cooked food, discarded books and partially started stories that have only managed to establish setting.

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