Wednesday, February 18, 2009

News is the operative word

News - n. information about important or interesting recent events.
Reporter - n. a person employed to report news, etc. for newspapers or broadcasts.
When news happens in 100 Mile House and its surrounding area, residents expect their paper to cover it; the editor expects her reporters uncover the story; and those involved should expect to talk about it.
Some people forget that, not only are there those out there who make their living off of writing news articles, but the community relies on the paper to tell them what is going on and what to watch out for.
And when sources withhold information, they are being unfair to the paper and the public.
Small towns may not have the hard-hitting, intrusive sort of reporters larger cities have, but it doesn't mean rural community news matters any less.
So when something does happen, the involved parties in the news event are taken aback when they are approached by a reporter looking for answers.
Reporters represent the public and they will fight for their right to ask questions; granted, a person doesn't have to answer, but he or she can't silence the querying voice of the people.
Because sometimes "no comment" can speak louder than any words.
A town, its paper and authorities can work like a well-oiled information machine - it happens all the time.


Anonymous said...

Can you please...tell me one thing...You live in Vancouver, right? I live in a place where there aren't glaciars (just some snow in winter) so I don't know if this global warming thing is real.

Do YOU or the people from Vancouver (familly, friends...) think it's a real thing?

Don't worry about it but I'de be glad to know...just check at your window and tell me if the icetops are still there.

Conquer said...

I'm living more north than Vancouver right now and I see 10feet of snow on the ground... But some say global warming is not necessarily warming — it could mean cooling of the planet.