Friday, June 05, 2009

Gay penguins could teach Alberta a lesson

Just as Alberta passes Bill 44, there are two downy homos out there trying to boost same sex couples into a more positive light.
Bill 44 was added to the western province's Human Rights Act, giving parents the right to pull their children from classrooms in which teachers discuss sexual orientation, sexuality or religion.
As backwards as it sounds, the bill seems to fit Alberta's tough exterior.
Alberta, at first glance, is rough and rugged. But, like the cowboys in that famous movie filmed there a few years ago, Alberta is secretly gay.
Have you not heard of the Alberta Rockies Gay Rodeo Association? What about Alberta's thriving gay tourism industry?
The wild rose province has a gay/straight alliance, a pride centre in Edmonton and some gay clubs in Calgary.
So why is the government denying the queer side of the province and staying in the dark ages?
Alberta needs to step out of its cave and adopt a better mindset, showing the world it's OK to be gay — much like the male penguin couple did in Germany, recently adopted an egg from a heterosexual pair and successfully raising it thus far.
Alberta needs to embrace its pink official flower and adopt some penguin pride, because this latest move from the province makes them look like ignorant dodos.

1 comment:

Socred said...

Interesting that members of the gay community insist on imposing their views and beliefs on others.

They seek freedom of choice when it's in their own interest, but do not allow it for people who disagree with them.

There's a word that describes that behaviour, and it's called "hypocrisy"