Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Raccoon and Stripper

I was driving off of the highway when I saw the ball of fur thrashing about on the street before me. I swerved, and my heart sank. I could make out the ringed-tail and the black legs of a large raccoon.
I wanted to pull over, but there were cars coming up fast behind me. I expressed my sympathy for the maimed raccoon to my passengers, who were not as soft-hearted as I. Behind us a vehicle managed to pull over, and I assumed they were going to offer the poor creature some aid...
We continued on our drive. Dropping my passengers off at a pub, I left them to move onto another, much more entertaining venue: a strip club.

....I smiled at the sparkles on my nipple as the raccoon took his last breath.


Harry Potter said...

OMG. So is the raccoon dead?

Strip club. LOL. Are there loads of these in America?

Anonymous said...

Raccoons always come through and sift through out garbage...